Current Research Projects:
- PEP (Patient Experience Prototype) Collecting and Using Patient Experience Data in Practice - A comprehensive, systematic, and sustainable approach to integrating patient and caregiver voices into how we reform, design and deliver care. A collaboration of a Pan-national research team with Dr Kerry Kuluski
- Preferred Components for Co-design in Research (PRECISE) guideline - improve the consistency, transparency, and quality of reporting on studies that use co-design to develop complex health interventions. A pan-national research team with Dr. Sarah Munce
- Beyond Binary in BC: taking patient-oriented and trauma-informed approach to building partnerships and dialogue to incorporate gender equity into women’s health research. Submitted a successful grant application receiving a C2 grant from MSFHR in partnership with Women’s’ Health Research Institute (WHRI)
- Intersection of Trauma and Grief – Trauma & Resiliency Informed Care Practices to Support Caregivers of Children with Severe Illness. First recipient of a publicly initiated research project through SPOR Evidence Alliance in partnership with Sick Kids Toronto, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice
- Towards a Learning Health System to support an Integrated Youth Services Network in Canada - to implement a sustainable integrated youth services Learning Health System framework to support the uptake of standards to improve youth and provider experiences in receiving/delivering care, population health, equity, and health care expenditures